Annual meeting highlights

​April 4, 2024


The annual meeting of the Desjardins Group Pension Plan ("DGPP" or "Plan") was held on March 27. Among other things, Plan officials presented an overview of the Plan's management and its sound financial health. 

Some 1,300 participants took part in this live online event. They had the opportunity to interact by asking questions and sharing their comments. Presenters answered the most frequently asked questions.

​Once again, participants praised the clarity and simplicity of the speakers' explanations.  

Here are a few reactions from participants: 

  •  The topics were very relevant, and our Plan is very well managed! Thank you so much!  

  • ​ I'm reassured that we have a healthy Plan that will ensure a worry-free retirement.  

  • ​ ​Very complete. Many reasons to be proud of our Plan and the way you manage it. 

For more information about your pension plan, watch the playback of the annual meeting. 

Jolyane S.Pelletier 
Manager, Plan Member Services and Communications 
Desjardins Group Pension Plan 

Additional information 

DGPP Member Services 
Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET 
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