Gradual retirement

​​If your employer agrees, you could make a gradual transition into retirement by reducing your number of working hours.

Pension calculation
When you retire, your Desjardins Group Pension Plan (DGPP) pension will be mainly determined based on:​

  • • Your number of years of participation in the DGPP
  • ​• The average of your highest recognized salaries during your career

By continuing to participate in the DGPP on a reduced work schedule, you continue to increase your retirement pension. In fact, your number of years of participation in the DGPP continues to increase as a function of the number of hours worked. Also, your salary is annualized, so it contributes to increase the average of your highest career salaries, if applicable.

To find out how the reduction in your working hours will affect your retirement pension, use the pension simulator. ​

Signing a gradual retirement agreement
If you're 55 or over and would like to reduce your number of working hours, signing a gradual retirement agreement would provide you with the 3 following benefits.

To be eligible for gradual retirement, you must: 
• Be 55 or over and under 71
• Sign a gradual retirement agreement with your employer 
• Reduce your number of working hours
• Have a target retirement date

Participating in the DGPP during gradual retirement
Your participation in the DGPP during gradual retirement is based on your new work schedule, under the same conditions as part-time employees. Therefore, you contribute to the DGPP according to your contributory earnings. The pension you accumulate will be prorated from your annual income and the number of hours worked (years of service credited).

Documents on gradual retirement
• Gradual retirement agreement template
​• Amendment to the gradual retirement agreement​
​• Application for pension advance from DGPP (Quebec members only)